TMV hails military for eliminating terror kingpin, Sububu, commends Tinubu’s security initiatives

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Abuja, Sept. 18, 2024 – The Tinubu Media Volunteers (TMV) has ascribed the recent successful elimination of the notorious terror kingpin, Halilu Sububu to President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to ensuring security and neutralising terror gangs in all parts of the country. 

In a statement signed by its Chairman Chukwudi Enekwechi and Secretary Sunday Shedrach, TMV also noted that the military authorities have proved that they are up to the task of stemming the tide of banditry by neutralizing the bandit leader and several other terrorists in recent days. 

It said: “It is on record that Halilu Sububu took up arms against the state in 2011, and since then, he had also trained other notorious bandit kingpins, including Shehu Rekep and Bello Turji.

“And together, these notorious criminals, with thousands of bandits, have been terrorizing local communities, kidnapping students, and wreaking unimaginable havoc in North Western part of the country from Zamfara to Katsina states.

“We are however delighted that the reign of terror by Sububu who is seen as the Osama Bin Laden of banditry has been  brought to an end, as a joint team of Nigerian security operatives cornered and eliminated him along with some of his goons.

“It is noted that under President Tinubu, the military high command has raised the bar in the counter-terrorism war, especially as the military outfit charged with the task of combating banditry in the North West, code-named Operation Hadarin Daji took the bull by the horn and pursued Sububu and his men until they were smoked out and eliminated.

“We are also elated that a number of other terrorists, notably Sani Wala Burki, were eliminated by troops who also rescued 13 kidnapped students from his den.

“Within that same period, our soldiers also took out Ibrahim Nagure, Lawali Dodo, Kadiri, and Jambaler, four terrorists operating in Zamfara.  

“This is a special feat achieved by the Tinubu administration and we believe that going forward the Nigerian military will intensify their efforts, through inter-agency cooperation, to secure all parts of the country from the nefarious activities of dare-devil terrorists like Halilu Sububu and their cohorts.

“For a terror-kingpin reputed to have extensive terror network even beyond the shores of Nigeria, and owning a gold mine in Zamfara state, his terrorist activities had become a pain in the neck of the affected communities, and by bringing it to an end it will be a soothing relief to the terrorised communities. 

“We therefore commend the President’s resilient leadership in seeing that terrorism is wiped out from Nigeria and citizens are once again able to go about their normal businesses without let or hindrance.”

TMV also expressed hope that the military would not relent in its effort until other terrorist leaders, including Bello Turji, were check mated. (GBN)

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