Current economic situation will soon be over  – Tinubu

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Abuja, March 7, 2024 – President Bola Tinubu on Thursday assured Nigerians that the current harsh economic situation in the country would be over.

He gave the assurance while unveil the Nigerian for Women programme at the State House in Abuja.

Tinubu said he was aware of the plight of Nigerians and assured that his administration was pushing out palliatives to address effects of hunger.

“My administration is committed to Nigerian women and this is reflective in my policies.

“It gladdens my heart to stand before you and tell you the future of women in Nigeria looks very promising.

“Ministry of Women Affairs is working day and night, leaving no stone unturned to ensure that all your needs are met and exceeded, the Ministry has embarked on several notable projects.

“As a government, it is our duty to prioritize interest around the most vulnerable citizens which are women and children, so that we’ll put this behind us.

“The federal government actively working to ensure that programmes designed for the Nigerian women are impactful and accessible to the intended beneficiaries, we are nit just committed to women in Abuja and other urban centres, the government is committed to all women particularly the most vulnerable who live in the rural areas.

“I am gladdened by the use of technology in dispensing sustainable development for our women. Sustainable agriculture, empowerment and technology is key in driving national prosperity.

“I am calling on all partners here to take a pledge today to support my administration and the Minister of Women Affairs.

Today I want to officially unveil the Nigerian for Women programme. In a few days time, as we go into Ramadan, we should all rise up and pray for our country, let us pray for a more united Nigeria, let us pray for peace, let us pray for our President and the continuous of our Federation.

“Today we complain about hunger, we would be pushing out palliative so that the effects of hunger can be brought to a minimum.

“Ours is a very complex Federation, based on three tiers of governments, we have the federal, state and local governments and all of them have direct access to the Federation account.

“So, winning together we can do a lot for our people. Today things are a little bit harsh, but this is not forever.

“Things would soon begin to change as more food is brought to the table of our citizens and as we prepare to implement a new minimum wage.”

Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, the Minister of Women Affairs, said the programme was intended to empower women in all states of the federation by providing them with machines to produce a lot of the things.

She said the-market platform would be used to market the products of local women entrepreneurs all over the country for buyers and banks had already shown interest in assisting the women to access their finances and payments digitally. (GBN)

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