Modular Floating Dock: NIMASA hands over site to technical partners

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Lagos, Aug. 9, 2023 -The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) says it has handed over the leased site at the Continental Shipyard Limited (CSL) of the Nigerian Ports Authority to technical partners, Melsmore.

The technical partners are to liaise with the Nigerian Ports Authority in finalising site management which include risk assessment in preparation to move the Modular floating Dock to the Continental Shipyard for the commencement of full operations.

NIMASA and the technical partners have also agreed to invite manufacturers of the Floating Dock, Damen Shipyard, to join in re-inaugurating the Dockyard, while site preparations would be ongoing.

This is to ensure the Floating Dock is deployed in the shortest possible time.

While addressing officials of Melsmore, the Director General of NIMASA, Dr. Bashir Jamoh, stressed the need for them to review the action plan in the light of realities on ground with detailed deliverables, and key performance indicators with clearly stated timelines.

“Nigerians eagerly await the deployment of the Modular Floating Dock.

 “This is a national asset which has potentials to boost maritime trade, create jobs, develop skills by providing training avenues to various maritime training institutions in Nigeria, while also attracting foreign investment and preventing capital flight, thereby generating revenue.

“We hope to have students from the Maritime Academy of Nigeria and the Maritime University Okerenkoko, amongst other maritime institutions come for practical time,” the DG said. 

In his remarks, Danny Fuchs, the Managing Director of Melsmore, thanked the management of NAFDAC for the opportunity to work on such important project.

He gave the assurance that the company is prepared to handle the movement of the floating dock from the naval dockyard to the Continental Shipyard Limited (CSL).

It may be recalled that the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) recently leased designated areas at the Continental Shipyard for the operations of the Modular Floating Dock.

The areas include the dolphin jetty, waterfront of the jetty adjourning the slipway, an administrative block, a construction, welding and mechanical workshop and a civil maintenance workshop, among others.

The project will be run on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement. (GBN)

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