Group eulogises Ugwuanyi for upgrading access road

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Enugu, Feb.  21, 2023 – The people of Agu-Umabor in Nsukka Local Government Area in Enugu State have thanked Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for upgrading the only road leading to the area.

This followed the governor’s recent directive that the road be tarred as he rounded off his tenure as the chief executive of the state.

In a letter of commendation, the Agu-Umabor Elites Group said that the governor had shown that no time was late to show love and care to a people.

”We have waited for this for a long time. We are happy that it has come at last.

“This road opens up four autonomous communities in two local government areas.

“They are Agu-Umabor, Breme and Opi Agu in Nsukka and Mbu in Isi Uzo.

“We are indeed grateful to the governor,” the spokesperson for the group, Mr Gil Emeka Abonyi, said.

The 20-kilometre Umabor-Agu Umabor-Mbu road was first rehabilitated by the World Bank under its Rural Access and Mobility Program (RAMP) in collaboration with the state government.

Abonyi said that the area was prone to erosion, but the new measure would make the road to stand the test of time.

“Once the road is tarred with the drainage system already in place, we are sure that our people will enjoy their new status.

“Our neighboring communities are also beneficiaries of this road. Our people are predominantly farmers and the road will ease the evacuation of their produce,” he added.

The group also commended Chief Charles Ugwu, a former member of the House of Representatives, for drawing the governor’s attention to the road. (GBN)

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