Senate repeals, re-enacts 2024 Appropriation Act of N35.5trn

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Abuja, July 31, 2024 – The Senate on Wednesday repealed and reenacted the 2024 Appropriation Act of N35.5 trillion.

Opeyemi Bamidele, the Senate Leader, initiated the new amendment bill titled “Rescission and Committal of the 2024 Appropriation Act (Amendment) Bill”.

The Senate recalled how the 2024 Appropriation Act was passed by both chambers and transmitted to the President for his assent.

It was observed that the Directorate of Legal Services of the National Assembly observed some fundamental errors in the bill which requires fresh legislative action on the following sections: long title, clauses 1,13, 14 and explanatory memorandum.

The Senate said it was aware that technical committee of the Senate, House of representatives and Directorate of Legal Services met and worked on the bill

It relied on 1(b) of Senate Standing Order to rescind its decision on the bill as passed and re-commit same to the Committee of the Supply for re-consideration and passage.

The reenacted 2024 budget consists of N1 trillion for statutory transfers, N8.270 trillion for debts servicing, N11.268 trillion for recurrent expenditure and N13.273 trillion for capital projects.

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