Reps exempt armed forces members from paying tolls, parking fees at airports

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Abuja, May 21, 2024 – The House of Representatives has directed the Ministry of Aviation Armed Forces from paying tolls and parking fees at airports across the country.

This followed the adoption of a motion by Abdulsamad Dasuki (PDP, Sokoto) that members of the armed forces and senior citizens should be given preferential treatment in all public transport stations across the country.

Dasuki recalled the announcement by the Minister of Aviation that the Federal Executive Council (FEC) has approved the cancellation of all exemptions on airport access payments for VIPs in Nigeria due to the huge revenue losses.

He also recalled that the minister of aviation has been given the mandate to implement the decision of FEC by sending out circulars to relevant authorities in a matter of days.

Dasuki said: “Men and women of the Armed Forces honour our nation with the highest form of service and without reservation; keeping us safe from harm, protecting our wealth and territorial integrity, ensuring safe navigation on our territorial waters, protecting our borders including the Gulf of Guinea, Creeks, Sahara Desert and forests, and fighting armed bandits who invade our communities.”

He said it was, therefore, essential to show gratitude by honouring our brothers and sisters who are voluntarily serving under our flag, putting in their active years to keep our nation safe with some losing their lives, and some becoming disabled from the battlefield amidst other effects. (GBN)

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