International deposit insurers association appoints NDIC vice chairman

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Abuja, Sept. 5, 2023 – Bello Hassan, the Managing Director of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), has been appointed as Vice Chairman of the International Association of Deposit Insurers African Regional Committee (IADI-ARC).

The appointment was made at the IADI-ARC Annual General Meeting (AGM) held recently in Dakar, Senegal.

The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed in May 2002 as the global standard-setting body for deposit insurance systems and forum for knowledge and experience sharing through international conferences, workshops, attachments and other capacity building programmes as well as research and guidance on matters relating to deposit insurance for its members.

In furtherance of its objectives, the association develops core principles, standards and guidelines to enhance effectiveness of the deposit insurance systems in various jurisdictions.

Bello was elected into the executive membership of IADI Executive Council in October last year during the IADI’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The IADI EXCO is the governing body of the association which ensures the smooth functioning of its affairs.

The IADI-ARC leadership said that the appointment of Bello into the executive of association by its General Assembly and their collective resolve in appointing him as the IADI-ARC Vice-Chairperson were all in recognition of his outstanding contributions, commitment and leadership role in deepening deposit insurance practice in Africa and the globe in general. (GBN)

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