Mobile phone users increase to 233.8m – NCC

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Lagos, June 9, 2023 -The number of mobile phone users in Nigeria has increased to 223.8 million as at April 2023, according to the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC).

The NCC also said the number of internet subscribers had risen to 157 million, while broadband subscription stood at 92 million in the same period

The NCC gave these statistics in a statement, adding that the telecommunications services sector contributed N2.508 trillion to Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2023.

“Telecoms contribution to GDP was calculated from 46 distinct sectors of the economy, which constitute telecoms and information services baskets.

“The Nigerian telecoms industry has continued to show a positive outlook, which is credited to the innovative and predictable telecoms regulatory environment implemented by the NCC.

“One of the key highlights of the telecoms industry performance within the period was the generation of 820.8 million dollars for the Federal Government from 5G spectrum licences fees.

“The fees were paid by three operators, MTN, MAFAB, and Airtel,’’the statement said.

The NCC said that following the issuance of licences in December 2021, MTN and MAFAB had already launched their 5G services, while Airtel, which received its licence in December 2022, was set to launch the service in June.

It listed another major development in the sector as the launch of Starlinks broadband services, a satellite-based wireless broadband service with potential nationwide coverage.

NCC said it had also issued licence to Elon Musk-owned SpaceX, the services of which were now available in different parts of the country. (GBN)

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